Crisis stabilization services are provided to non-hospitalized individuals in need for direct mental health care and are experiencing an acute psychiatric crisis which may jeopardize their current community living situation. We offer individual face-to-face comprehensive needs assessment screening executed by our team of qualified professionals. 

Our ultimate goal for crisis stabilization is to avert hospitalization or rehospitalization by interceding to stabilize individuals in psychiatric crisis. We marry individuals with available community resources as well as utilizing family connections and to create a plan for continued  healing and rehabilitation. 

Crisis Stabilization targets individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Experience difficulty in establishing and maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that the individual is at risk of psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness, or isolation from social supports;

  • Experience difficulty in activities of daily living such as maintaining personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate nutrition, or managing finances to such a degree that health or safety is jeopardized;

  • Exhibit such inappropriate behavior that immediate interventions documented by the mental health, social services, or judicial system are or have been necessary; or

  • Exhibit difficulty in cognitive ability such that the individual is unable to recognize personal danger or significantly inappropriate social behavior.


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